The Best Probiotic Foods and Prebiotic Foods

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We always say, you don’t have to take a supplement to get your probiotics and prebiotics.

Yes, we have Mood Probiotics, which have both probiotics and prebiotics…. and also formulas with *just* probiotics.

But if you don’t want to take supplements, you don’t have to!

Probiotics and Prebiotics through diet?

Yes, you can give your microbiome everything it needs by eating a diet rich in probiotics and prebiotic foods.

So, why do so many people supplement with probiotics?

For a lot of people, eating probiotic foods on a regular basis can be tricky.

Prebiotic foods, however, are often easier to incorporate into the diet. (Read on to find out why!)

In fact, I have been told by many of our customers that probiotics are the only thing they take as a supplement because they can get all their other dietary needs me through food alone.

Regardless if you choose to supplement with probiotics/prebiotics or not, this article will showcase which foods are the most probiotic rich, and which foods are rich in prebiotics.

And! Even if you do take a probiotic supplement, eating gut-healthy food is important and will help your health.

While you’re here, this article will also breakdown: what’s the difference between probiotics and prebiotics? Why do we need both? And what are some ways to get these into your diet? So keep reading to find out!

The difference between probiotic and prebiotics

First off, probiotics are good bacteria — live microorganisms— that are good for you and especially good for your digestive system.

You can get plenty of probiotics from your diet if you regularly eat fermented foods. (More on that below.)

Prebiotics are the fiber that feed on good bacteria. Prebiotics are non-digestible carbohydrates (don’t worry, that’s a good thing!).

Rather than being digested, prebiotics are used to feed our gut bacteria. Prebiotics work like a fertilizer to replenish the good bacteria in our gut.

Why do we need both probiotics and prebiotics?

Here’s the deal: in order to create a healthy microbiome, including both probiotics and prebiotics will be most beneficial.

Why? Because probiotics and prebiotics have a synergistic relationship, working together to improve good bacterial diversity and enhance microbiome health.

Why does this matter? Having plenty of good bacteria keeps you healthy and balances your overall wellbeing. It’s not just about digestive health or physical health; it’s about your emotional health, too.

By focusing on FEEDING the good bacteria with prebiotics, you will more fully enhance your microbiome.

Again, we always say, you don’t have to take a probiotic/prebiotic supplement if you get enough of the right food in your diet.

But for some of us, a quick capsule of the good stuff: good bacteria & fertilizing fiber (nothing more and nothing less!) is handy and so helpful!

Examples of probiotic foods

When it comes to consuming more good bacteria, it’s all about eating more FERMENTED food and drinks.

Fermented foods contain probiotics, which help to enhance your microbiome. They do this by restoring balance to your gut, which keeps your body healthy.

Some people don’t prefer the taste of fermented foods, which is what I was talking about earlier when I mentioned the option of supplementing.

If you love them (or can learn to like them!), these foods are great for gut health.

The top probiotic rich foods are:

  • Yogurt* (fermented milk)
  • Kimchi (fermented vegetable mixture)
  • Sauerkraut (fermented cabbage)
  • Kefir* (fermented yogurt beverages)
  • Kombucha (fermented tea)
  • Pickles (must be fermented– not to have vinegar)
  • Miso, Tempeh, Natto (fermented soy products)

* be sure to choose lower-sugar options so you don’t negate the benefits of the bacteria

Examples of prebiotic foods

When it comes to consuming more prebiotic foods, you’re going to be looking for nutrient dense foods that are rich in fiber. These foods are a little easier to incorporate into your favorite dish or recipe.

  • The top prebiotic rich foods are:
  • Raw Garlic
  • Raw & Cooked Onion
  • Raw Asparagus
  • Radishes
  • Carrots
  • Bananas (greener = more prebiotic fiber)
  • Yams
  • Dandelion Greens
  • Raw Jerusalem Artichoke
  • Apples
  • Cabbage
  • Oats
  • Greens

Bonus prebiotic tip

As we mentioned before, prebiotics feed the good bacteria in our microbiome. But, another great way to enhance the good bacteria is to STARVE the bad bacteria. (Insert EVIL laugh….)

You can starve the bad bacteria in the microbiome by reducing your sugar and processed carbohydrate intake. Sugar feeds the bad bacteria. Reduce your sugar in-take to starve the bad guys! (Mwah ha ha!)

Bonus probiotic tips

Some people are sensitive to certain types of bacteria. Many individuals who try to eat fermented foods will end up with a headache, rash, irritability, drowsiness, etc.

If this happens to you, you’ll want to look for a more sensitive probiotic formula, like our Bifidus Mood Boost, which is non-histamine producing, d-lactate free, and free of tyramine-producing bacteria. Also, our products: Mood Super Strains and SBO Mood Boost are also non-histamine producing.

We hope this article gives you some great takeaways to boost your microbiome to help you feel better, naturally!


Sylvia, Cofounder of Lifted Naturals

PS: Did you know that Lifted Naturals MOOD Probiotics are available on,, and directly from our Online shop? Purchase them wherever you love to shop.

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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