Stomach Nerves & The Gut-Brain Connection

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Stomach nerves?

Did you know that your stomach has its own nervous system? It's true! The vagus nerve is a long nerve that extends from the brain all the way down to the gut. This nerve is responsible for communication between the gut and the brain, and it plays a role in regulating digestion.

For example, when you eat something, the vagus nerve signals the stomach to start producing stomach acid. This helps to break down food so that it can be absorbed by the body.

The gut-brain connection is a complex system, and scientists are still working to understand all of its intricate details. However, there is no doubt that the stomach nerves play an important role in keeping our digestive system running smoothly.

However, there can be more to the term “stomach nerves.” Oftentimes constant feelings of worry or stress can create stomach issues that make life more more difficult to enjoy. Read on to find out more and to learn what you can do about it!

What is the gut-brain connection and how does it work?

The gut-brain connection is a topic of growing interest in the medical community. You may have heard of the gut-brain connection, but what is it exactly?

The gut-brain connection is the two-way communication between the gut and the brain. This connection is the communication pathway between the gastrointestinal tract and the brain.

The gut has a nervous system that sends signals to the brain, and the brain also sends signals to the gut. This communication occurs through the vagus nerve, which is a nerve that runs from the brainstem to the gut.

When the gut and brain are in sync and in harmony, they can help regulate mood, digestion, and immunity. Probiotics are one way to help support the gut-brain connection.

The benefits of a healthy gut-brain connection

Your gut and brain are connected in more ways than you might think. In fact, scientists have coined the term "gut-brain axis" to describe the two-way communication between your gut and your brain. The gut-brain axis is thought to play a role in everything from digestive function to mood.

And although more research is needed to fully understand how the gut-brain connection works, there's mounting evidence that gut health can have a profound impact on mental health.

Probiotics, for example, are live bacteria that are found in fermented foods like yogurt and sauerkraut. These beneficial microbes help to support gut health and may also improve mood and cognitive function. So if you're looking for ways to boost your mood and mental well-being, start with your gut. Eating probiotic-rich foods, or taking a probiotic supplement specifically geared towards mood can really help.

At Lifted Naturals, we have FOUR different MOOD probiotic formulas. Because what works for one person will not always work for the next, having a variety of formulas ensures we are more likely able to help out customers feel better, naturally.

Lifted Naturals Magnesium Complex back of bottle.

Probiotics that can help support your gut-brain connection

At LIFTED Naturals, we specialize in probiotics for MOOD support, which means they are specifically designed to nurture the gut-brain connection.

We believe that mood issues are NOT all in your head… but they may be in your gut.

Our uniquely formulated MOOD probiotics are all created to support the gut-brain connection and also provide digestive and immune support. Did you know that many of our brain’s neurotransmitters are made in our gut?

Mood probiotics are a natural way to support your mood and increase feelings of ease and well-being. Our mood probiotics are designed to support a healthy gut-brain connection and also provide digestive and immune support.

How to improve your gut health

Many people don’t realize just how important gut health is for overall wellbeing. Fortunately, there are a number of simple steps that can be taken to improve gut health.

For example, eating probiotic-rich foods like yogurt and sauerkraut can help to promote the growth of healthy gut bacteria. In addition, avoiding processed foods, seed oils, food coloring, fake “zero sugar” drinks and foods, and limiting environmental toxins can also be beneficial.

Furthermore, getting adequate sleep and reducing stress levels are important for gut health. When the gut is healthy, it is better able to perform its many functions, which benefits the whole body.

Therefore, taking steps to improve gut health is an investment in overall health and wellbeing.

More ways to reduce stress and further support your gut-brain connection

It's no secret that stress can have a negative impact on our gut health. But did you know that the gut-brain connection goes both ways? That's right - our gut health can also have an impact on our stress levels! Luckily, there are a few simple things we can do to reduce stress and further support our gut-brain connection.

One of the best things we can do for our gut health is to create a feeling of HARMONY in the body before eating. If you are stressed or angry, wait to a bit to eat. Only begin to eat once you have calmed down, centered, and relaxed.

It's important to make time for relaxation and self-care. This might mean taking a yoga class, getting a massage, or simply taking some time out for yourself each day to journal or go on a walk. It might be something bigger too! Like starting that dream business or quiting that job taht’s been sucking your soul dry for the last decade… ;)

By taking care of our gut health, we can help reduce stress and support our overall well-being.


Sylvia, Cofounder of Lifted Naturals

PS: Did you know that Lifted Naturals MOOD Probiotics are available on,, and directly from our Online shop? Purchase them wherever you love to shop.

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